If you are in a long term relationship, eventually you will have to have ‘The Talk.’ The money talk can put a dent in the most successful relationships. Part of compatibility is having the same goals, including financially. We recommend having a basic discussion of where your finances and goals are at around the 6-month mark. At some point you may decide to join finances or open a joint bank account, for this you should wait at least a year, this gives you the chance to see any bad habits come up before hand. Here are a few other important tips for when you bring out the bank accounts.
Matchmaker's Blog
Dating with Anxiety
Living with anxiety can be an intimidating process, and dating can seem downright impossible. It may help to know that you aren’t the only one, an estimated 18% of Americans are suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder. There’s a good chance that if you have been in the dating pool for any amount of time you have dated someone with anxiety or may be dealing with it yourself. Here are a few things some of our clients reported helpful regarding dating and anxiety.
Partners and Pets
Though it may seem small, dating someone who is in a different pet situation than you can have its ups and downs. After all, if you have allergy issues, or the pet doesn’t like you it can create a barrage of issues where there wouldn’t normally be any. Here are a few things we found helpful when dating with pets.
For more advice, we also have articles on Body Language and Long Distance Dating
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